Friday 7 October 2011


Okay, don't get me wrong, I love airport codes and departure lounges and flying and plane food as much as the next [gonk]. But why does everyone who works in an airport have to be so miserable?

Had a great flight; 3 movies down (the new Woody Allen is rubbish), 2 episodes of Friends, half of Paul O'Grady's autobiography, 3 currys and an ice cream, only to land in Mumbai and have a soldier practically point a gun in my face and shout LIGHTER LIGHTER so that I nearly lost all 3 curries (they re-xrayed my bag and it was my keyring). Flight was incredible though, I had a flew little moments when I saw the sunset over Afghanistan and then flew so close over the Mumbai slums, to be greeted by fireworks over the whole of the city (not sure they were just for my arrival but I'll run with it).

Landed in Bangkok at sunrise after feeling like I only lived on planes. Bangkok is sensory overload. They are having a sweat festival, let's say muggy is an understatement. I managed to navigate the skytrain and local bus services and my hostel is cool, just off the Khao San Road, serving fruit smoothies for breakfast and free internet and lots of places to lounge around and no bed bugs as yet.

Started the day with a foot massage by what was possibly a prostitute, but what the hell it felt amazing and was about 2 quid.

Planning to stay here until Monday, and was debating whether to head up to Chiang Mai but apparently it's under 3 feet of flooding, so will probably just go straight to Siem Reap to visit some temples with faces carved in to them.

Wildlife update - no snakes as yet, but I did get licked by a wild dog while I was having lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Skytrain is a little packed, isn't it. Makes Merseyrail's trains look over-supplied. Had noodles from the borrow women on the Koh San road yet? Grand Palace is amazing but wear long trousers or you have to queue for an hour to hire some old dirty used ones.
