Saturday 15 October 2011

Water Water Everywhere..

..And not a drop to drink. Unless you want Dengue Fever. It is with a rather heavy heart that I have decided to leave Siem Reap and head to the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. The novelty of wading through a foot of floodwater to get anywhere has kind of worn off, and although I would have liked to have stayed longer, I've seen all the temples I wanted to see and decided it would be better to leave on a high. I'm tagging along with a guy from my guesthouse on the 7am bus tomorrow. Apparently it's a step up from the bus the locals use which usually has chickens in the gangway, but still, 6 hours will be a treat. Hopefully I can sleep.

After deciding to have a day in the city yesterday, and stopping on Pub Street (think South East Asia meets Magaluf) at lunch to write in my journal and "reflect", I got sloshed on my own on the super strength local beer and had to have a 3 hour nap.I did stumble across a number of specialist crocodile leather shops on the main strip though, which is where it turns out the crocs have got to, in the shape of gross handbags and purses.

Today was Day 3 of temples, which started in the most almighty thunderstorm and a moto ride to Bayon. This place was immense, and an early morning start in the rain meant it was almost deserted. It felt like an area in Disneyworld, and in my bright yellow poncho, I half expected to turn the corner and see a neon sign saying WELCOME TO ANGKOR WORLD, GET READY TO GET WET! and for Mickey to be there trying to sell me a ten dollar shake. But it was real, or maybe unreal is a better description.

Onwards on the Grand Circuit, and more temples, I knew I'd seen enough. Tired and wet, it's time to move on.

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