Wednesday 24 March 2010

Let's get Physio, Physio, I wanna get Physio

Had my physio this morning, bright and early. I've been having treatment for medial tibial stress syndrome. This is more commonly known as "shin splints", or, as my sister Helen has been taking great pleasure in calling it, "Sore Leg Syndrome".

I've really enjoyed having physio, admittedly mostly just so I can say that I have a physio, but actually it's really helped me with the running. But I do have slight mentionitis of "my physio says this, my physio says that". Sorry. I started off having acupuncture which was clearly terrifying but amazing. Here's a picture of my trotter, a la Hellraiser:

It's supposed to do something or other to the energy channels but all I know is it made my ankles stop hurting so that's good enough for me. Weird having pins jabbed in you though, that then make you feel better.

Had ultrasound and a sports massage this morning, only slightly embarrassed by my vile runner's feet. I swear they get worse every week. Damn those long runs.

Although I will be sad to have to leave physio, I won't miss the exercises I have to do in the office, looking like a total plum. The "Oyster" stretch is a particular treat.

I can definitely recommend these guys - they do a great job! Check them out here.

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