Saturday 12 May 2012

Eat Me, Lima

I'd never intended this blog to be all about food. I realise it's a pretty constant theme, and I've scoffed my way through various local cuisines on this trip.. delicious Khmer Amok in Phnom Penh.. amazing street food in Kuala Lumpur.. llama burgers in Bolivia.. McDonalds in Australia.. But I seriously hadn't lived until I got to Lima.

Let's start with the ceviche. Hunks of cold cooked fish, served with huge bits of corn, marinated in a tangy lime and chilli something.. made my taste buds explode (Grace - the Space Raider pain doesn't even come close). Seafood jalea, baby octopus, squid, fusion fried rice, tacu tacu a la chorillana, causa de congrejo.. all washed down with the purple corn juice of Peru, chicha. With every mouthful I got one step closer to actually moving to Lima and eating myself to death.

There was no stopping us. We couldn't go back. We were like addicts jonesing for our next hit. The only way is up, so we booked into Astrid y Gaston for lunch, which unbeknownst to us had that very day been voted the 35th best restaurant in the world. The mixed ceviche, peking style guinea pig (we wrapped it up like crispy duck.. and it really DOES taste like chicken), swordfish, baby goat and a ridiculous 'punished apple' desert made me want to weep.

I blew my Brazil budget but I didn't care as I sipped on the complimentary champers and nibbled on the petit fours given to us to celebrate their new world ranking. Sure beats pasta pesto surprise.

After a stroll through a magic water fountain park and a quick visit to the beautiful Lorca Gallery, with a little excursion to see some pre-Colombian porn in their famous Erotic Gallery, I waved goodbye to my buddies (it's been totes emoshe you trippers xoxo) and Peru and hopped on the plane with my excess belly baggage headed for my final country.. BRAZIL!

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